June 30 to July 4
August 18 to 22
At Kangaroo Field, Wol-St-Lambert
With John Miller, Kangaroos head coach
Sam Faeder, Swarthmore College
And Kangaroos players
9am to 4pm
Ages 6 to 12, boys and girls
Campers will learn all aspects of baseball - pitching, hitting, fielding, baserunning, games - in a way that’s accessible and fun. We make sure every kid has fun and gets better at baseball, no exceptions. No standing around in right field at this camp!
EUR160 per week, EUR 40 per day
Members: EUR100 per week, EUR30 per day
Registration Form
June 30 to July 4
August 18 to 22
Avec John Miller, coach des Kangaroos
Sam Faeder, Swarthmore College
Et les joueurs des Kangaroos
9.00 á 16.00
Ages 6 á 12, garcons et filles
Les stagiaires apprendront tous les aspects du baseball - pitching, batting, defense, course et jeu de matchs - d'un manière accessible et amusante. Nous allons faire en
sorte que chacun y trouve son amusement et son apprentissage.
EUR160/semaine, EUR40/jour
Membres: EUR100/semaine, EUR30/jour
Formulaire d'Inscription